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Project poster

Teacher Ella Rakovac presented her mobility and its results at the Županijsko stručno vijeće OB županije nastavnika matematike, Tikveš 23.09.2017.


Teacher Ljiljana Čelebić presented her mobility and its results at the Županijsko stručno vijeće OB županije nastavnika njemačkog jezika, Osijek 30.09.2017.

Teacher Tanja Ivković presented her mobility and its results at the Županijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika njemačkog jezika
OB županije , in 1.gimnazija, Osijek
25.11.2017. She also presented her mobility at
the Županijsko stručno vijeće OB županije nastavnika engleskog jezika in 2.gimnazija, Osijek 13.12.2017.

Presentation link:

Project poster

Applying new knowledge and skills

Teacher Mirta Omazić presented her mobility and its results at the Županijsko stručno vijeće za filozofiju, logiku i etiku in II. gimnazija Osijek 12.1.2018.

Project poster

Applying new knowledge and skills

Project coordinator presented this project at the event organized by Europe Direct Osijek.The event marked the 30th anniversary of Erasmus programme, 14.12.2017.,Mala vijećnica Osječko-baranjske županije.Europe Direct Osijek and Europe Direct Dubrovnik presented the brochure where our last KA1 project was shown as an example of good practice.

Project poster

School's webpage

27.8.2017.The project was presented at the Teachers' Meeting of I.gimnazija Osijek.

At the beginning of January,2018 project coordinator Ivana Štiglec and teachers Gordana Dragušica and Radmila Završki presented the project and its results to 300 teachers  during two teachers' seminars organised in cooperation with Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje.The seminars were attended by English and German teachers from primary and secondary schools of five different counties.

13.11.2017. Class observation-Mirta Omazić hosted the teacher Doris Crnjac in her philosophy class (F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Adobe Spark Video

Project poster

Class observation-School pedagogue  Vlasta Knežević observed the class of the teacher Margareta Princip, where she applied what she has learned during her course.

In April 2018,teacher Margareta Princip presented her mobility and its results at Županijsko stručno vijeće za nastavnike hrvatskog jezika.

Applying new knowledge and skills


Teachers started eTwinning projects with the partners they met on their courses.Some projects have finished and some were started and will continue in the next school year.

Class observation-In April 2018, Art teacher Marko Babić observed the class of his colleague Nataša Tram, who used some of tablet application in her lesson on Roman architecture.She made the whole lesson in Nearpod.

Teacher Nataša Tram will hold a workshop in August 2018 for Arts teachers at Međužupanijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika likovne umjetnosti.


Project poster Tram

Teacher Gordana Dragušica presented her course and its results at Županijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika njemačkog jezika,09.06.2018.




Project poster

Erasmus+KA1 corner in our school's staffroom and English classroom

Four teachers that participated in entrepreneurship courses created together a module for teaching of entrepreneurship skills in general high schools and the project coordinator used it in the school's application for a new KA2 course on creative entrepreneurship.

 In May and June 2018 teachers who attended tablet courses held two workshops for teachers of the whole school. They introduced other teachers to web tools that can be used in all subjects.

During May project coordinator Ivana Štiglec visited ten primary schools(OŠ Franje Krežme,OŠ Antuna Mihanovića,OŠ Vladimira Becića, OŠ Višnjevac,OŠ Miroslava Krleže, OŠ Tin Ujević, OŠ Dobriše Cesarića, OŠ August Šenoa,OŠ Retfala,OŠ Ivan Filipović) and presented the project to around 250  8th graders about to enrol in secondary school in order to show them how teachers of our school visit courses abroad and how they apply it in their teaching.

Teacher Blanka Andrašić-Živalj will have a workshop in August at Županijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika fizike.

Applying new knowledge and skills in teaching

ITeacher Doris Crnjac attended the course at the end of the project,in May.She will present her mobility and its results on the next teachers' seminar to be held(Županijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika informatike/matematike).

Carnet's Portal za škole published an article about our project and they published our Practical guide for deploying tablets in the classroom both in the news section and in the Digital materials section

Practical guide for teaching with tablets was shared with primary and secondary teachers in the online community Škola za život.These teachers are going through online education for Experimental program of the curricular reform. Mentors from this online community asked us if they could include our guide in their methodical handbooks so all teachers can use it, which we of course approved.

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