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Ella Rakovac Bekeš Flipped Classroom (Florence 04-09 September 2017.)

Tanja Ivković -ICT- Tablets and Smartphones: using mobile devices as educational tools (Florence 10-15 July 2017)





Mirta Omazić Reading The City (Stockholm 23-29 July 2017.)

Ljiljana ÄŒelebić Interactive teaching (Oslo 28 August - 1 September 2017.)

Ivana Štiglec, Rome,9-13.10.2017,Entrepreneurship education at school: creative and effective methods and tools

Gordana Dragušica, 
Cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindset in Education
BARCELONA , SPAIN, 04. – 08. 12. 2017.

Blanka Andrašić Živalj, Tablets in education,Helsinki,Finland, 22.-27.04.2018.



Margareta Princip,Tablets in education-Get new ideas,Graz,Austria, 11.-16.02.2018.





Nataša Tram, TSP,Malaga,Spain,18.-24.03.2018.






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